Friday, October 4th, 2024 Early Bird: 12Pm - 6 PM
Saturday, October 5th, 2024 General Admission: 9 AM - 4 PM
Wednesday 12-4 PM
NOTE: The Event Center closes precisely at 4:00, we cannot accept any dealers who arrive late. The early set-up fee is non-refundable.
All Booths
Thursday, October 4th, 9AM - 4PM
Friday, October 5th, 8 AM – 1130 AM Finish move-in and staging. Show Opens at 12 PM!
TIP: As you all know, the 8:00 AM arrival time is always a bit hectic. If you can arrive later in the morning or early afternoon, you should be able to get right in.
Late Arrival - Please call Kimber to notify of a late arrival. The Event Center gates are open for Early Bird at 12:00 PM until 6:00 PM.
Dealer entry is at the Flower Gate Located on Gregory St. (Cross Street is Riverside)
If you arrive early, please line up. You will check-in one by one with one of our managers. Only one vehicle per booth is allowed to unload at a time.
Upon arrival you will receive a parking pass this pass must be displayed at all times in your vehicle, if you have more than one vehicle you will be given a second pass. Please follow instructions on how and where to park. Please do not block obvious exits and all cars must go ONE WAY.
Any vehicle within the Event Center must have a Three Speckled Hens Parking Pass in the front windshield. Otherwise, you will risk having your car towed.
Unload your product quickly.
You are allowed to have one vehicle at a time within the Event Center to unload.
After you have finish unloading your vehicle, please move your vehicle to allow others to access the venue.
Booth set-up may begin after your vehicle has been moved.
Please be courteous of your neighbors and keep aisles clear.
Please be sure to stay within the taped lines of your booth. We must answer to the Fire Dept and have the aisles open and free of objects.
Friday: 6pm
Saturday: 8am
Saturday, 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Procedures for Pack-Up / Move-Out:
Pack-Up your merchandise. Totally clean your area, picking up large pieces of trash and discard.
Once totally packed, get cleared by your manager. You will get a "Cleared" placard for your car.
You may then go get your car with your placard.
All Traffic is ONE WAY. Follow employee's directions at all times.
Do NOT double park.
Move out must be completed by 8:00 PM.